Indo Board Canada is a division of NVU Electronics Inc. We are the exclusive CANADIAN distributor for Indo Board. To learn more about NVU, please visit our website at www.nvu.ca For WHOLESALE orders, please email us at [email protected] or call us toll free at 1-866-411-2688 ext. 116, and learn how to become an Indo Board reseller. AMBASSADOR PROGRAMS: Would you like to join our team of Indo Board Ambassadors? Email us for more information on how you can be a part of the Indo Board Canada Team! ABOUT INDO BOARD THE INDO BOARD GOAL
The Indo Board goal is to introduce a FUN and CHALLENGING way to exercise the bodies balance control systems. Even though balance is so easily taken for granted, human movement is dependent on balance and coordination. In this new age of fitness awareness, the notion of balance training IS essential, particularly in board sports and all physical activities utilising the core muscles. If you are serious about cross training for your paticular sport or activity, then the Indo Board is the ideal device to keep you tuned when you are not in the water. The Indo Board works for all surfers, whether you ride a shortboard or a longboard. Leg strength is the most overlooked physical necessity of all surfers. Improve your leg strength and your core strength and athletic parformance will improve guaranteed!
DESIGNED BY HUNTER JOSLIN, AN AVID USER OF BALANCE BOARDS SINCE 1965. Hunter Joslin, a surfer and skateboarder for over 40 years, developed the Indo Board Balance Trainer over a thirty year span beginning with the first proto-type in 1975. In 1998 Hunter decided to market the Indo Board commercially and developed the brand, company website, distribution, marketing channels and officially launched the product in September of that year at the Surf Expo tradeshow in Orlando, Florida. Originally designed to train surfers out of the water, Hunter soon discovered from his growing cadre of loyal Indo Board fans, that the apparatus was much more than a surfing simulator. Users reported increased leg strength and core fitness while experiencing a high degree of entertainment and fun when using the Indo Board. Since that time Indo Board enjoys the distinction of being the most recognizable brand of balance trainers in the Action and Board Sports industries. In recent years Indo Board Balance Trainers have become increasingly popular as a tool for improving balance and for proprioceptive conditioning in all types of athletes in sports ranging from archery to ice hockey. We are proud to have endorsements from countless Olympic Medalists, World Champions, National Champions and other elite athletes in virtually every sport. Today we are continuing to expand into the Health and Fitness Industry as an excellent tool for training clients ranging from young to old that are looking for a new, innovative, safe and fun way to improve their balance, proprioception, kinesthetic and postural awareness, kinetic chain stability, agility, coordination, core strength and neuromuscular response. Indo Board is now also found in many elementary, middle and high schools all over the United States and Europe as a tool for introducing youth to a fun, effective way of being active while improving |